Elder Robert L. Madison, Pastor
Superintendent, North Shore District
The mission of the Washington Temple COGIC is to carry out the “Great Commission” which is found in the scripture, Matthew 28:19-20 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen" It is likewise our endeavor through the Love of God to meet the social, educational, recreational and spiritual needs of our congregants. Additionally we embrace the community by visiting the sick, those in prison, as well as, offering services specifically designed for the enhancement of the community.
This is accomplished by witnessing to men, women and children face to face, providing access to sermons on line, and having worship services that are Spirit led for the edification of all who seek the Lord.
Deacon David Harrell,
Deacon Douglas Taylor Deacon Board #1
Deacon John Sinclaire Youth Deacon Board
MISSION: To help the Pastor as needed as he ministers and guides the people of God. The mission of the Deacons is to provide support to the overall mission and work of the church including the administering of the Holy Ordinances. As a ministry of the body of Christ, we will (with great patience and care) look (for) after the physical keeping of God’s house and the well-being of the Pastor and congregation.
PURPOSE: The purpose of a ministry is to make sure that each member fully understands the qualifications and duties of a Deacon as ordered by God. This will help in better serving the people of God and our Pastor.
Deaconess Pat Dias,
Deaconess Board Coordinator
Deaconess Mother Mary McCray
Deaconess Board Co-Coordinator
The Deaconess must be set an example in tithing and attendance in worship services by a faithful member. They must be well grounded in church ideas/beliefs, and carry out their duties with a servant's heart. The Deaconess must be serious in appearance, manner, and proper behavior. It is of extreme importance that the Deaconess be especially guarded in conversation with strict loyalty to the truth, "speaking the truth in love" (Eph. 4:15 ).
Ministers | Aspiring Missionary | Deaconess Missionary | Evangelist | Elders
To proclaim the word of God through teaching, preaching, and evangelizing men, women, and children unto Salvation.
The Ministerial Staff carries out proclaiming the word of God by Witnessing to the lost, Visiting the Sick, and Ministering to Incarcerated Persons. Additionally, the Ministerial Staff assists the Pastor in praying for the congregation and encourages Holy living.

Mother Henrietta Wright
The role and responsibility of the Mother's Board are to help build the Women's Department through holy living and prayer-filled lives. The Mothers' Board teaches women how to support the church, the pastor, and their families. The Mothers' Board helps to make sure that our church is a strong church, spirit-filled, and a well-organized House Of God. Effective Mothers' Boards operate under the authority of the pastor, and the officers of the church. The work of the Mother's Board serves to improve the various programs and helps to build the Kingdom Of God by offering teaching, love and compassion to all.
Same as the Mother's Board, the role and responsibility of the Father's Board are to help build the Men's Department through holy living and prayer-filled lives. The Father's Board teaches men how to support the church, the pastor, and their families. The Men's Board helps to make sure that our church is a strong church, spirit-filled, and a well-organized House Of God. Effective Mothers' Boards operate under the authority of the pastor, and the officers of the church. The work of the Men's Board serves to improve the various programs and helps to build the Kingdom Of God by offering teaching, love, and compassion to all.

Sister Celestine Davidson
Joint Board of Ushers,
Sr Women’s Usher Board

Sister Lisa McKinney
Women’s Usher Board
Sister Cassandra Lane
Junior & Intermediate Usher Boards

Deacon John McCall
Men’s Usher Board
Mission Statement
As doorkeepers, we are committed to ushering, helping, and serving in a friendly manner to encourage an atmosphere of worship with decency, and in order, to the Glory of God.
As we provide the first impressions of the church and ministry of the pastor, we are committed and willing to serve everyone that enters the sanctuary. With thoughtfulness and tactfulness, we seat our members and guests and welcome them to an atmosphere of worship.
Psalm 84:10 “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.”
Mission Statement
To serve members who are sick, suffering, homebound, in hospitals or extended-care facilities.
Reaching out in compassionate service to bring the loving presence of Jesus Christ to those who are physically unable to be in fellowship at the church; to provide a prayerful presence, and spiritual companionship and serve monthly communion.

Deacon David Harrell
Prison Ministry
MISSION: The Prison Ministry through love, prayer, and Word of God meets the needs of Brothers and Sisters who desire to know the Lord and enables lives to be changed forever.
PURPOSE: To bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to people who are incarcerated. "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer trouble/difficulty, as being yourselves also in the body." (Hebrews 13:3). Opportunities to present Christ are given in prison ministry through bible studies and worship services
Hospitality Ministry
Missionary Patricia Davy
Coordinator, EBW Hospitality
MISSION: To welcome members and visitors as they enter worship services with a spirit of love and joy.
PURPOSE: Responsible for welcoming members and visitors as they enter to worship. The Hospitality member is the first person people meet as worshippers enter the church.
Trustee Betty Stanton
President, Senior Hospitality

Elder Robert Caze
MISSION: Provide organized activities and programs to enhance the spiritual, social, and physical development of children, teens, and young adults.
PURPOSE: To accomplish this the Youth Ministry provides God-centered services and fellowship to assist youth in their relationship with God, peers, and family. To embrace our youth by providing an atmosphere which provides spiritual development and growth, and to enhance their visibility in the worship experience through various activities.
Deaconess Fran Smith
Children's Worship Extension
MISSION: The focus of this ministry is for children ages 4–12. The function of this ministry is mostly to teach Godly principles, Church doctrine, and Salvation. Likewise, children are taught to love and serve God on their level of understanding. In addition, C.W.E. prepares children for ministry in a safe and caring environment.
PURPOSE: To complete this purpose, the C.W.E. is broken down into groups that will better serve its overall purpose. Our format includes praise and worship, bible study, crafts, and various activities
Home & Foreign Missions / Social Services

Missionary Teadra Singletary
Home Missions

Missionary Patricia Davy
Foreign Missions

Mother Margaretta Medley
Social Services
MISSION: To meet the immediate needs of persons home and abroad during times of natural disasters and other emergencies.
PURPOSE: This mission is accomplished by accessing and distributing food, clothing, and finances, etc as needed. Spiritual support is also given as a part of this ministry.

Missionary Angela Madison
Singles Ministry
MISSION STATEMENT: To provide a Christian atmosphere for unmarried people to study and develop friendships based on shared interests with one another while understanding their role in Gods' kingdom.
PURPOSE: To make sure that single people understand that they have a place and a role in the work of the church. To give singles a means to communicate their concerns and share experiences with one another through activities for spiritual, social, and intellectual activities.
Women’s Christian Council (Senior & Young)
S.W.C.C. & Y.W.C.C.

S.W.C.C. – Mother Mae Wilson

Y.W.C.C. – Sister Mary Allen
Our goal is to minister to the specific concerns and address the needs of today’s young and senior women in the church. We want to encourage women in their walk to be Christian women, wives, and mothers for the building of the Kingdom.
To minister the needs of women we encourage togetherness and cooperation among the women of the church. We provide emotional and spiritual support to members with life experience in a variety of areas. We encourage all women to participate in Bible Study, Prayer and other educational programs of the church.
The New Club welcomes and orientates new members in the doctrines of the Christian Church through love, knowledge, and prayer. Our aim is to "To prepare God’s People for greater understanding of Biblical truth, Holy living and Kingdom service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up”. Ephesians 4:12
The New Hearts Club exists to help new members develop a closer relationship with God. This is accomplished as we connect with all New Members and help them in their new walk with the Lord and become familiar within our church body. As they grow and increase in their understanding and faith they will discover the area of ministry which will further add glory and honor to God as they continue their walk with the Lord.
MISSION: To help the Pastor as needed as he ministers and guides the people of God. The mission of the Deacons is to provide support for the overall mission and work of the church including the administering of the Holy Ordinances. As a ministry of the body of Christ, we will (with great patience and care) look (for) after the physical keeping of God’s house and well being of the Pastor and congregation.
PURPOSE: The Music department is established to minister to the people and lift up the Name of the Lord through music and songs of faith through the power of God. Our mission is to prepare the minds of the people to receive the Word of God as we usher in the presence of the Holy Spirit. This is accomplished by expressing our love for God and His Word through Song, Praise and Music. This ministry seeks to lift hearts and change lives as we sing Hymns of Faith, Traditional and Contemporary Gospel along with Songs of Praise and Worship.

Minister David Kinard

Deacon Joseph Belton
Music Director
Male Chorus President

Sister Patricia Robinson-Stewart
Coordinator of Choirs
Celestial Choir & Voices of Hope

Brother Sydney Grayson

Satiera Caze
President, Celestial Echoes

Sister Teresa Alston
President, Sanctuary Choir

Sister Daisy Johnson
President, Campmeeting Choir

Sister Dannie Richardson
President, Washington Angelic Choir

Sister Rhonticia Ojo
Secular Education Department
To give support in the process of educational development for various ages throughout our congregation and community.
To accomplish this purpose, the Secular Education Department will offer workshops and distribute information pertaining to the secular education system. Additionally, resources to assist those with secular studies are available through skilled teachers based on age group.
Christian Education Department
Evangelist Janet Worme, General President
Sunday School

To provide opportunities for congregants of all ages to develop a personal relationship with God through the study of His word.
Christian Education is Based on Biblical teachings, which is carried out weekly by Sunday School held each Sunday Morning for all age groups, Tuesday Night Bible Study for the general congregation, and Y.P.W.W. which designed for Sunday Evening Bible Study for youth and adults of all ages. Each venue for learning is designed to know the Lord on a deeper level and become more effective in ministry.
Sunday School
The current weekly lesson can be viewed at the link below
Motto: A Child Saved Is A Soul Save Plus A Life
Gym Activities
MISSION STATEMENT: Help to develop physically fit Christians to live healthy, happy, and whole lives for Kingdom work.
PURPOSE: To encourage youth and the young at heart to focus on fitness through physical activities.
Van Ministry
MISSION STATEMENT: Provide transportation to church functions allowing members to worship and participate in Worship Experiences that “Exalt The Savior”.
PURPOSE: Provide transportation to members, upon request, to church or other church-related activities.

Deacon David Harrell & Deaconess Delores Harrell
MISSION STATEMENT: To empower the family through helping the married couples to understand the marital covenant and its role in the Kingdom of God.
PURPOSE: This ministry consists of married couples (man and woman) only. The ministry helps couples to understand the impact of the marital covenant and its role in the kingdom of God. Couples are helped to understand the needs of husband and wife in the marital relationship. Family relationships are strengthened by sharing the Word concerning their roles as parents. Improved marital and family relationships impact the church in a positive way.

Minister Eric & Deaconess Sophia James
MISSION STATEMENT: To empower the family through helping the married couples to understand the marital covenant and its role in the Kingdom of God.
PURPOSE: This ministry consists of married couples (man and woman) only. The ministry helps couples to understand the impact of the marital covenant and its role in the kingdom of God. Couples are helped to understand the needs of husband and wife in the marital relationship. Family relationships are strengthened by sharing the Word concerning their roles as parents. Improved marital and family relationships impact the church in a positive way.